Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Birthday Boy!

We had a little family party for Calvin's SECOND birthday yesterday. {Thanks for coming Grammy, Grandpa, Carlson Cousins, Meg, Todd & special guest star: Stuart} Cal was so excited all day! He kept pointing to the balloons and streamers and saying "Happy!" And then he saw his cake and it was "Happy Me! Happy Me!"

The little kid table with Cal, Claire, Jake & Az

The big girls bellied up to the bar. Abbie, Kate, Bella

Ever since Bella started riding the bus - Cal has been hooked. He loves them. He asks about them. He squeals "Bus!!!!" whenever we see one. He nearly hyperventilates when we drive past the Bus Yard. Thus, the homemade (can you tell?) bus birthday cake.

Daddy tries to catch some of the spit before it hits the cake.

Mmm. That frosting was delish!

Grammy got Calvin a BUS, of course!

I think Daddy is just as excited about the new tool bench as Calvin is. No more Barbies? We'll see.

Todd & Meg hooked Cal up with his first ever sword. It's foam - thank goodness - because he has been wielding it all over the place, and making his kung fu "Hy-Ya" sound at the same time.

Happy Birthday Sweet Boy!!!


Robin said...

Happy birthday Cal! That cake is awesome!

paulak said...

Happy Birthday! What a cute little man. Cumorah, you are such a great person to go visit Linda. Bless your heart, and my prayers are with her and her family.

Berly said...

LOVE THE CAKE!!! Happy Birthday Calvin!