In the hustle and bustle of everyday, I don't
always stop and recognize the joy that I have in my life.
Sometimes, through the haze of diaper changes, runny noses & never ending stacks of laundry, I don’t stop to appreciate the magical time of life this is for our family. This is a time of discovery, energy, excitement over everything, and plain old fun. We have adventures together daily, large & small. During the year, we have cheered the girls on at gymnastics, track, field day, and in their musical theater performances. We’ve encouraged them in their swing dance lessons, listened proudly as Bella practiced “Ode to Joy” on the piano for the 63rd time, laughed as we attempted the Spanish words that Azure taught us daily, and hugged the living daylights out of those cute girls when they were returned safe & sound after being lost in the great bus caper of August 2010. We rooted for Calvin during basketball and t-ball games, kissed him goodbye on his first day of Pre-School, and wondered constantly where he came up with so many questions about everything from how Jesus turns on the rain to how machine guns shoot bullets so fast. We have followed Emmett up & down stairs as he learned to crawl, got excited over each new word that spilled from his adorable little mouth, and cuddled him before his mini-surgery that has {fingers crossed} cured his frequent ear infections.
We spent the majority of our summer swimming, hiking, camping, fishing, & exploring the vast beauties of Colorado as a family. {This was tricky at times with Emmett’s love of eating rocks & dirt, but it was worth it!} We made the road trip to visit family in Provo once for a wedding, once for Pioneer Day, and will be there once more before the year is through. The kids still talk about the week Nana & Bapa came out to play while Dan & I kicked our heels up in Nashville for our tenth anniversary. Emmett & I took a trip to Boston for my sister’s graduation, and got home just in time to finish the preparations for my sis-in-law’s wedding reception at our home.
I played a working mom for two weeks as I fulfilled my civic duty as a juror in June, and was thrilled when I could come home and “just” be a mom again. What a blessing - I missed my little ones!
Dan kept busy with work, and the travel it required - but during these times of economic uncertainty - we are so grateful he is busy. On his off time, he squeezed in a few hunting trips, a little dirt biking, lots of yard work, and even more playtime with the kids. One of my greatest joys is to hear my children giggle and squeal as they’re wrestling, chasing or jumping on the trampoline with Dad. Oh, I love it!
There are so many reasons to be joyous - even in the day to day little things in our lives. We wish you great joy in your lives as well, especially during the holiday season! Lots of love to you & yours ~ love, the McOmbers

In an effort to
simplify this Christmas, I only put out a few of our very, absolute favorite Christmas decorations. It was just enough to feel festive, not overwhelming, and a breeze to pack away. Somtimes I absolutely adore simplicity.

I know not everyone appreciates an ungroomed, straight from the forest, sometimes having two trunks type of tree ~ but I love it. My kids love it, and Dan tolerates it because he knows how much I love it. Compromise ~ it's what makes the world go 'round. Thanks sweetie!

This was kind of a rotten time of year to have Daddy gone for so long ~ but we survived, and were soooo happy to see him when he got home! Emmett is a Daddy's boy for sure, and just wasn't himself without Dan around.

I invited lots of friends to join us in bringing a little cheer to the residents of a local retirement home. About twenty kids were able to be there to sing songs, pass out candy canes, give hugs, and bring smiles to these sweet, sweet elderly residents. They sure loved the babies! Emmett & Emma were a hot commodity there ~ all of the ladies wanted a turn holding them. It really was so great to see the kids excited about making other people happy. Such a great morning!

We asked our friends and family to join us on this magical train ride to the North Pole to meet Santa, and it was awesome. The kids loved every second of it. They were caught up in the excitement before we even got to the train station, and squealed and giggled when they climbed aboard. They soaked up all the magic, and came away just glowing.
{fot those of you who can't read the teensy-tiny print in the red box above ~ this is what it says}When it comes to road trips with kids, I am not a “joy in the journey type of girl. I am a “get there as quick as we can, let the kids do their business on the side of the road, and pack a cooler full of food so we never have to stop to eat” type of girl.
But this trip to Utah was different. Because the kids were losing it being cooped up in the van, we consented to a dine in stop at Chick-fil-a so they could let out some energy in the play area. As we were eating, a group of older men with banjos, fiddles, a bass and a Santa hat started setting up shop around us. We were quickly in the midst of an old fashioned bluegrass concert right there in the lobby of Chick-fil-a.
I happen to love bluegrass music. We sang along, we danced, we requested songs, and we hung out in the Grand Junction CFA for an hour and a half. It was a highlight of our trip. Such a fun surprise! We definitely found joy in our journey that day!

This is Aunt Charity's busiest time of year, so we made a quick surprise visit to spend some time with her at work. She loves all her little kiddies ~ and they sure love her!

Bapa Hunt makes the BEST snowmen, and he loves being outside playing with his grandkiddies. {Azure wants you all to notice the leaf feet she added}. When this one toppled over, they were out the next day building a bigger and better one. The second snowman was even taller than Bapa {at 6'8" he's hard to beat!}

Nana, Bapa, Lia and Eden played with the kids and I {while Dan was working} at our favorite pizza place in Provo. It looks just like the Pirates of the Carribean ride at Disneyland ~ but this pirate cave comes complete with arcade games. My kids talk about it all the time ~ it's a 'must do' attraction on our visits to Nana & Bapa's!

There are so many things to do in Utah that we just don't have here in Colorado. Kangaroo Zoo is one of our favorite places to hit when we are there. It's an enormous building with bounce houses, obstacle courses and slides where the adults can join in the fun too. We played, had races {I totally lost to Bella}, Dan tossed the kids around like rag dolls ~ and boy those kiddies slept good that night!

Spending time
together was the best gift of all ~ but the slingshot flying monkey that Uncle Sam gave Calvin came in a close second. Everyone was so thoughtful and generous. But really, truly, just being there with family was more than enough. Even with the craziness of having eight adults, five children, four dogs and two cats staying in one house ~ we had a
fabulous time!

We made it back from Utah in time to spend Christmas Eve with Grammy, Grandpa and Todd at their house. Emmett wasn't interested in being baby Jesus. Luckily Azure brought a backup just in case. Calvin played Joseph just long enough to get a ride on the donkey, but Bella and Azure were serious about their roles this year. There was no breaking character for them until Grandpa finished the last verse. So cute to see them doing the exact same thing my brothers, sisters and I would do every Christmas Eve. I can still picture Lia in a beard from her own hair as the Innkeeper. Ah, the memories!
After reading Santa's letter - it was on to stockings, and opening gifts. Azure was upset at first because her gift from Santa was in such a smaller package than the other kids'. That was, until she opened her present. Remember her
wish list? Well, it's new to her, and she thinks it's an ipod ~ so she is beside herself! Woohoo! I was sweatin' that one a little! All the kids LOVED everything! So glad they are still at the age where
everything is exciting. Oh, it makes me giddy!

We got together with all the Colorado family to exchange gifts and eat a yummy Christmas dinner. My kids were so excited to give their cousins the gifts they picked out for the exchange, and I was excited to give away all the towels I made with the nephews' names on them {of which I amazingly took zero pictures. blast!}. We were given lots of great things in return! Megan made the girls the adorable hats their wearing in the pic. Emily made everyone a darling necklace, we loved all of our gifts, from cousins, Grammy & Grandpa, aunts & uncles ~ and we all had a great night.
And there you have it. A beautiful, busy, exciting, family-filled, Christ-Centered Christmas season.
A success.
A moment to indulge in a deep breath, and now off to plan for next year!
What a fun season! Bravo on taking lots of great pictures!
Out of all of those lovely pictures, my very favorite (that I made Spencer and Pegs come look at) is the snowman one. Remarkable to think that there was one even taller!
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