Wednesday morning, the kids were up bright and early - despite their not getting to sleep until midnight the night before. I wanted Dan to be able to get a little more shuteye, so Bapa and I took all the little ones on a walk to a nearby park. No hair was brushed. No clothes were changed. We just threw on shoes and off we went. The perfect start to a great trip!

You know those friends who you ALWAYS want to be a part of your life, no matter the distance? Lori Carter is one of those for me. I love that girl. She is so dang spunky, full of life, put together, an exercise mama, and decorator extraordinaire. My sister Charity {bless her beautiful soul} swam with Bella, Calvin & Azure the entire time we were at the Scera swim park so Lori and I could sit and chat with our babies. After swimming, and lots of laughing, we got the BEST snow cones ever. Oh, so yummy! Who knew ice cream in a snow cone would make it one hundred million times better? Such a fun day! Thanks Bing! So good to see you Lori!

My little ones love their Nana! So, they were happy to do the "Nana Parade" at my mom's work so she could show off her cutie-pie grand kiddies. They had too much fun spinning in Nana's chair!

I love this place. I remember visiting this museum as a little girl and marveling at the Angel Moroni statue, revering the church artifacts, and wishing one day that I could be married in the temple, at a beautiful alter, like they have replicated here. {the girls are sitting in front of it} Glad to be able to pass on those same memories to my little ones.

My Dad was able to come with us on most of our little adventures during our trip. It was great to have some Bapa time - he sure loves those little kiddos - and they love him! {the temple was wonderful too, by the way. I love bringing my kids here, and telling them all about the day Dan & I were married here - it was beautiful.}

What a fun place to have a birthday! Dan & Azure were showered with gifts, and then showered during the waterfight that ensued afterwards. Azure had a large advantage with her new heavy duty super-soaker watergun! Azure picked out "their" birthday cake with Nana, the night before. We all thought it was pretty funny that she wanted a princess cake that said: "Happy Birthday Azure, you are 6." She must have forgotten that she and her dad share a birthday!

We went to Seven Peaks to celebrate Dan & Azure's birthday the next day. Dan took off work {he always works in the Salt Lake office when we're visiting Utah} and joined us for a crazy day! How on earth are you supposed to keep track of kids in a place like this when there's more of them than you? Whew! Lots of work, but the kids had a blast. They loved, loved, loved the wave pool - and the kid's area was so much fun. Towards the end of the day, Nana & Bapa watched ALL of the chitlins for a while so Dan, Lia, and I could go ride some big kid rides. That made it all worth it! Woo-hoo! 

We went to Sprinville for their Pioneer Day celebration. It was perfect! Not too crowded. Not too hot. But just right. I love a parade, and this one was so cute. Bella loved cheering with the cheerleaders. Azure loved chasing down the candy that was thrown from the floats. Calvin danced with the marching bands. And Emmett ate the dirt. Everyone was happy. Afterwards, we met up with Uncle Todd, and went to the little carnival close by, rode some rides, ate some treats, and enjoyed a little face/arm painting. Seriously, a perfect Pioneer Day. Followed by a delicious BBQ at Nana & Bapa's house --- it couldn't have been better!
This really was our favorite trip we've taken to Provo. We did lots of fun things, saw great friends {Dan & I met up with the Barkers one night too - love those guys!}, played with my family, and it was drama free. You can't beat that. Thanks Nana &Bapa, Lia, Sam, Charity, and Richard for the good times!

We went to Sprinville for their Pioneer Day celebration. It was perfect! Not too crowded. Not too hot. But just right. I love a parade, and this one was so cute. Bella loved cheering with the cheerleaders. Azure loved chasing down the candy that was thrown from the floats. Calvin danced with the marching bands. And Emmett ate the dirt. Everyone was happy. Afterwards, we met up with Uncle Todd, and went to the little carnival close by, rode some rides, ate some treats, and enjoyed a little face/arm painting. Seriously, a perfect Pioneer Day. Followed by a delicious BBQ at Nana & Bapa's house --- it couldn't have been better!

This really was our favorite trip we've taken to Provo. We did lots of fun things, saw great friends {Dan & I met up with the Barkers one night too - love those guys!}, played with my family, and it was drama free. You can't beat that. Thanks Nana &Bapa, Lia, Sam, Charity, and Richard for the good times!
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